Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Life is all about relationships.

The ties that bind... blood is thicker than water... two are better than one, even three is far better, the reward for their labour is immeasurable... together we stand, divided we fall... all wonderful quotes reflecting the power in relationships.

Where would you be without the people in your life? I'm thinking about all the relationships the average person has got going... parents, siblings, relatives, school buddies, friends, co- workers, business partners etc, and the list goes on... what impact have they had in your life? ditto, what impact have you had in their lives? quite a thought isn't it?

Everyone one of us has a purpose and we need each other to achieve them. We've been called to live an "interdependent life" not an independent or dependent one. I need you, you need me, and that's what makes the world go round. Building bridges must be a lifestyle. We must all learn to constantly build our reserve of goodwill in others, no matter their station in life because anyone can be relevant to you at any time. You may not need a another person's help right now but many years down the line, you would wish you had made a connection of some sort; one advice- make constant deposits into as many emotional bank accounts as you can so you will always be in surplus.

I can think of many times when I got stuck in a rut and it was an old friend/ acquaintance who bailed me out. I particularly remember once when I was going to Kano city on some small business from Potiskum in Yobe and I got there quite late. Didn't know anyone and didn't have anywhere to sleep, then along comes this guy who obviously knows me and I can't remember him from Adam! Apparently, I'd met him during one of my "Ajala travels" to Gombe city. To cut a long story short, he was my deliverer for the day. I spent the night at his house and made it to the market bright and early the next day. Sadly, I've lost touch with him...

It really doesn't cost much to build relationships, me thinks it takes just a listening ear, an available heart and a longing to see the good in all. Yes, we get bitten once in a while but we shouldn't allow those times to dissuade us from building bridges with others. No one is perfect so never expect any human to be the all in all for you... look upwards for that.

And you know what? the greatest relationship you can ever have is with your creator. He is faithful to the core; He will never dissapoint you; He'll always exceed your expectations and He'll always be there for you come rain, come shine. Keeping this particular relationship alive is of utmost importance. You must constantly keep the fire burning communing with God in your own way for it is the strength you draw from Him that'll keep you going, empowering you to meet your needs and those of others.

Life is really all about relationships... yours and mine, his and hers, theirs and ours.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

I don't have a choice

How many times have you ever said this to yourself or to someone else and actually believed it?

Many times when we are faced with challenges, we convince ourselves (overtly or covertly) that we don't have a choice, so we go with the easy way out. You cheat a bit, you tell a "white lie", you take a quick decision, and then you convince yourself there was no other way out.

In reality however, life always offers us many choices but the truth is we always want the choices that favour us. If we are faced with unfavourable choices, we immediately convince ourselves that we never even had a choice in the first place!

I think it has to do with being very honest with ones' self. Will I go the easy way and say to myself that I never had a choice or will I go the hard and unpopular way and admit that choices still exist and then choose to make that hard choice?

It's up to you to be true to yourself and make informed decisions every time!