Monday, February 14, 2011

Blazing the trail

Lola’s story… Ikenna’s story… Jane’s story… Hassan’s story… YOUR story?? (PART 1)

It is 10 February 2010 and here I am, at a meeting where some speaker is about to give a talk about achieving my dreams and the usual blah blah blah! Gosh, I’m tired of hearing all this drivel. People just come and talk, and then no one knows exactly how to go about actualizing what the speaker has said. So why say anything?

Ok, so what would I really love to hear? I know I’m going somewhere to happen, but where exactly am I going and how to get there is what I need to know. I have BIG plans but where do I start from? I have so many interests but which do I focus on? I still have my day job and how exactly does that tie in with my very big plans? My business doesn’t seem to be growing! How do I achieve my plans? How do I launch out?

I need direction… I need to be shown the way… I need a solid plan of action… God, I need you!

Could this be your story?

Maybe you believe that you don’t have the right opportunity, so you just keep waiting for that perfect time. Perhaps you know that the opportunity has presented itself but you are just not ready to handle it or even worse, you just ignore it.

What makes it seem like life’s working for one person and the other person appears to have got the remnants? Why does everyone one else seem to have all the luck and you just can’t get it going?

How do you move from Point A in your life to your final Point B? How do you make the dream in your heart come alive? What’s the way forward for all the desires in your heart? How do you change the world from where you are?

You are at your own funeral, many years from now. A group of people are standing afar from the mourners who are by the graveside. You know some of them and you can hear them talking about you. What would they be saying? What do they consider to be your achievements?

Discover yourself: A lot of soul searching must go into this process to build a solid foundation for your future.
• What do you see for your future? What is your personal vision?
• How do you foresee you will achieve this vision? What is your mission?
• What are the things that you consider most important to you. Categorize your values.
• Assess your strengths and weaknesses; consider the opportunities available to you and also the likely threats to achieving success in your life. Do a personal SWOT analysis
• What skills do you possess? In what areas are you smart?

At the end of your days, what do you want to have achieved? Work your life backwards.


Plan, Plan, Plan: All tower projects first started with a blue print. Considering that your career is your major life project, you need to sit down and structure your expectations.
• Prepare your life plan
• What do you expect to achieve?
• How can you accomplish all that you want to achieve in your career?

This stage builds on the foundation of self discovery.

Focus on the following key areas;
1. Physical & health
2. Spiritual
3. Career & vocation
4. Finance & investment
5. Family & social
6. Contributory
7. Academic & professional


Seek opportunities
Take initiative: Be a problem solver. Don’t wait to be told what to do, just find out what needs to be done and do it! Simple isn’t it? It’s a wonder some people make it sound so hard.

Take calculated risks: To get results that will propel your career, you must be prepared to take risks. Assess the every situation at hand, and then decide on what to do. It is very important that you take action, or else, nothing will happen.

Be an innovator: The more new business you create for your company, the more your profile rises within the organization. Companies are always looking for people who can introduce systems and strategies that will significantly affect their bottom line. Be that person in your company.

Improve your skills
Refine your communication skills: As your desire is to advance in your career, you must prepare to fly with the big wigs. Your communication skills are necessary to help you get what you want. You must be able to define exactly what you want and communicate that fact as at when necessary.

Brush up on negotiation skills: You will need to engage in a lot of negotiation issues along your career. Whether it’s for better pay, working conditions etc, chances are your skill in this area is what will see you through successfully. Develop a positive mind set that sees all things as possible.

Expand your network
Expand your network: Everybody has a network whether they know it or not. Unfortunately, a lot of people have the wrong network. If yours’ isn’t working for you, change your contacts. Radical it is but remember, it’s your life. Get to know people in the same area of business as yours and tap into all the benefits of your network (of course, you also have to contribute something or you’ll be regarded as a leech!). Learn how to promote yourself without seeming desperate. If you want to change careers, don’t take the big leap till you have built a network in that area. This will be your fall back for tips, advice and direction.

Embrace self development
Take school along with you wherever you go.
• Invest in tapes, books, CD’s.
•Let downtime become uptime for you as you give every idle moment an assignment. Remember, information is the key that opens all doors.
• Be a continual learner.
•Develop a plan to learn new skills. Attend trainings, seminars and courses that will enhance your effectiveness at work.

Life is in the application. It’s not how many books you read, it’s what you apply and act on.

Lola’s story… Ikenna’s story… Jane’s story… Hassan’s story… YOUR story (PART 2)

It is 10 February 2015 and here I am, at a meeting where some speaker is about to give a talk about achieving my dreams. Wait a minute!!! Isn’t this that same guy that spoke at a meeting I attended a while back? It sure looks like him. Oh, I can see now, it is him!

I’m so glad I actually paid attention 5 years ago. I am on the way to becoming who I always wanted to be, simply because I listened and acted on what I heard.

Monday, February 07, 2011

A Different Way

My past haunts me
Every day, I remember who I used to be
And who I struggle not to be

I'm hounded......
In the deepest recesses of my mind
The images are always so bright, and clear
Showing, revealing, describing in vivid colour
My mistakes, my wrongdoings, my trespasses

Sometimes I really do indulge
Even though I know I ought not
I revel in those scenes
When I was not who I am now
I participate willingly
In creating the stories of the past

Oh how I long to forget, forever
who I used to be
How I long to wipe clean the memories
And not remain bound in my mind
How I yearn to live, devoid of those memories

My heart, seeks to be true
but my mind, as always, has its own plans

Show me a different way
to tame this unbelieving mind
Open unto me, new vistas
Let me think on true things
The pure things, the eternal things
The things which remain true, which stand firm

I am free, from myself, from my thoughts, from my hurts
I remain unbound, from all chains, from all pains

Show me a different way, every day, in every way...