Thursday, December 27, 2007

There's no turning back

The journey has been long and tiring. I've been on the road for so long
I'm tempted to stop, give it all up but I've almost made it to my destination it seems
Eventhough I'm weighed down by all sorts but I still must go on
I see where I'm going far ahead and I'm encouraged for it seems closer than it was yesterday

A lot has happened but I've grown and overcome
When I remember what I've been through in my past, I wonder how I ever made it this far

I know where I'm going and sometimes it seems like I may not get there, but strive I must
I can't turn back now, I've gone too far to give up on this trip

Where I'm going is far more beautiful than where I'm coming from
So on I go, towards my destination

I look not to the left nor the right, but straight ahead, my gaze is fixed
till I can almost touch my dreams

I'm not turning back. I'm going to forget my past and embrace my future....

I move on....................

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